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The AUXILIA site makes available news, general information, commentary, scientific publications, newsletters, and columns on a wide range of topics concerning mostly the field of scientific research in the medical field. AUXILIA shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect or incidental damages that may result from the use of the site or the information contained therein. More generally, AUXILIA shall not be held liable for your use of the content. In the event that you do not agree with what is stated herein, it will be preferable for you to cease browsing the site.
On the site we will submit to you news that comes from sources that we consider serious and reliable, but it is fair to warn that at times, such news may be incorrect. From this point of view, therefore, we cannot guarantee the total accuracy, completeness, and exactness of such news. It is certain that we will never deliberately submit false and misleading news to you, but we want to make it clear that there always remains the possibility of error made unknowingly and in good faith, and that therefore in connection with this we do not want to be held responsible in any way.
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The User makes use of the site under his/her complete and absolute responsibility. AUXILIA shall not be liable, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, for damages, direct or indirect, whether contractual or extra-contractual in nature, arising from the activation or use of the services of AUXILIA and/or the interruption and/or suspension of their operation or malfunction.
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Due to the peculiar structure of the Internet, in which many entities are involved, no guarantee can be given regarding the constant usability of the service. In this sense, the User agrees not to hold AUXILIA responsible in the event of loss or damage of any kind resulting from the loss of data, inability to access the Internet, inability to transmit or receive information and documents caused by, or resulting from, delays, cancelled transmissions, or service interruptions.
AUXILIA offers no guarantee as to the accuracy and reliability of the information contained on the site, nor does it offer any guarantee as to the results obtained through the site. AUXILIA, moreover, cannot in any way be held responsible for damage and/or malfunctioning of the User’s computer system due to improper use or use contrary to these Conditions.
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